czwartek, 20 sierpnia 2015

Włoskie wolontariuszki we Wrocławiu!


We are Nicoletta and Marcella, two Italian girls. We'll talk you about our experience in the Volunteer European Service .We arrived in Wroclaw the first day of July to start the EVS project in a Summer School. We have always loved to travel and it was our first time in Poland. We really enjoy the place, its artistic heritage is really enchanting, and every day you can find different cultural project in the city like the Cinema Festival in the main square, we also have appreciate polish typical dishes like Pierogi or all the different kind of soup :) and of course polish beer .

We really enjoy the project because working with kids is very gratifying and to help them give us the opportunity to learn another language. We get in touch with polish culture. Its tradition is so ancient and the history of Wroclaw so particular, like the little statues of dwarfs that we have found in many different places, they were all making some different job.

This project give us the opportunity to meet a lot of people coming from different country like Georgian girls with whom we divide the flat and of course Sebastian our tutor who is really helping us and he is kind of a guide for us.
Our work is to organize plan for the day of the kids teaching them something while they play and have fun ,like the day of arts or tolerance or cultural difference.

We are trying to teach them the mutual respect for other people and different culture by the destroying of stereotypes. Kids seem to be very interested in the project and they are very sweet when they try to explain you something or they try to teach you their games because of their fantasy and naivety .The very difficult part is to learn Polish .

Not for the teacher but because is a very difficult language but we are trying  to learn it having fun and trying to talk with polish people.
Now we salute you and we totally recommend you this experience because it's a good experience to test our organizational skills and of course to test our selves has individual .

Goodbye !

Buzka pa!

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